My Drawing Blog
While I don't possess particular talents, I always enjoyed art in its numerous forms. I read thousands of books, watched countless movies, and visited theatre performances and art exhibitions on a regular basis. With time, I developed a certain taste and acquired a lot of knowledge. Enough to grow some urgency to share it.This is how the initial idea of Drawingblog was born.Here it is:
I posted a few posts without expecting anything and it actually nothing big happened. I started with an exploration of several old, almost forgotten artistic techniques, like silverpoint, then moved to tutorials (how to draw ...), and made a list of popular blue shades. In short, I was just fooling around in different areas of art.Suddenly posts started gaining traffic and visitors started commenting on my articles. I found out there is a pretty big interest in drawing, painting, different artistic techniques, meanings, and symbolism of colors, ...For instance, did you know red is the third oldest name for color in virtually all languages on the planet (after names for black and white, which, technically, are not true colors)? Or, did you know orange got a name after the fruit and not vice versa? And, another surprising fact, there are actually more than 50 shades of black!While we are talking about colors, let's check which one is the most controversial of all!
While colors carry rich symbolism as they are, they can significantly change depending on the context. This means we can connect specific colors and color combinations to specific situations or occasions, like weddings, holidays, etc.
Digging into deeper meaning and history obviously led to more articles and flowers as probably the most colorful part of our visible world were logical next step. The rich symbolism of the colors of roses is partially explored in the next article.
Yes, this is just the tip of the iceberg, many things can (and should) be written about that and related subjects. And, after all, roses are really the most popular flowers, yet there are also orchids, tulips, fucshia, ...So look at my blog as a work in progress. Hopefully, eventually expand to something big and enriching for everybody.Thanks for your visit and don't forget to share your findings with your friends!